Annual Sales Meetings

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Supermarket Representatives – Annual Winter Meeting ’22

This December, Supermarket Representatives Inc. will be assembling all of our Sales Reps & Management Team in one place for our Annual Sales Meeting. This meeting gives us some time to connect in person and discuss the past year’s operations and start building goals to hit for the following year. The Annual Meeting is hosted at Signia by Hilton in Disney’s Bonnett Creek resort area in beautiful Orlando, FL; This venue is quite familiar to SMR as they also host our Annual General Merchandise, Pet & Candy Show! Another major feature of our Annual Meeting is getting to meet with our Newest Vendors while getting a first-hand look at the products they will be offering, this is critically important to each of our Sales Reps. SMR’s focus has always been on delivering a customer-first experience and our Sales Reps are no different – Some have been working with the same Customer Accounts for almost half a century! Syncing with the Sales Team allows everyone to align their goals and get on the same page. Our competitive advantage has always come from doing what’s best for our Customers, we take absolute pride in building trusted relationships that stand the test of time. Since 1967, Retail Operators across US & US Territories have trusted Supermarket Representatives Inc. to deliver top-notch products from a wide range of Independent Vendors. We are absolutely excited about the Sales Meeting and connecting with friends old & new while we gear up for 2023. See you in Orlando! – Chris F.